Thursday, March 7, 2013

Saw a Bit of Myself...

I missed February, but only because I was busy with other shenanigans. I'm planning a few neato pieces for this Pop-Culture Wasteland blog. One is a lengthy breakdown of prime-time animated families since the Simpsons, culminating with the idea that Fox's Bob's Burgers is the rightful heir to the quirky-and-slightly-dysfunctional-but-loving-family mantle that the Simpsons created back in the early '90s. Another is about the main antagonist of that show, Louise Belcher, and how she's a nice mix of Lisa Simpson and Eric Cartman. Another post is a retractive post about how I talked shit when I shouldn't have, and it concerns Disney's animated feature The Fox and the Hound.

But right now I have a picture I took that I'd like to share. It's from an episode titled "Our Town", episode 24 from season 2 of one of my favorite shows growing up, and after rediscovering it again on Netflix, it has become one of my favorite shows anytime: The X-Files.

The episode revolves around a town that's been ritualistically killing and eating humans for years, and after some creek dredging, they find bundles of bones. In the picture above, Scully is able to identify a government inspector who'd gone missing (he was presumed to have run off with a young lady) by the metal on his femur.

I saw that and thought, that's me! My bar's a little less, but it'll survive me being boiled, that's for sure.

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